How to set project fees in Beeye?

Project Fees

Beeye offers integrated management of fees for each project via the project page interface.

Here’s how to proceed:

  1. Access to Fees: Open the relevant project page and navigate to the Fees tab. This dedicated space allows for complete management of the fees associated with the project.
  2. Creation and Modification: In this tab, you have the option to create new fees, modify them, or delete them according to the project's progress and agreements with clients. To add a fee, click on the Add button and fill in the required information such as the amount, description, and possibly associated conditions.
  3. Profitability Analysis: The fee budget defined in this tab is systematically used across Beeye to analyze the project's profitability. This is particularly evident in the Information section of the project page, which offers a comparative analysis including the initial budget, the planned time, the actual time consumed, and the estimate at completion, thus providing a clear and precise view of the project's financial performance.


To optimize the management of fees, Beeye provides a bulk import functionality via the Excel file import module. This option simplifies and accelerates the entry of fees for several projects simultaneously, ensuring an efficient update and a significant time-saving.