How to bulk close tasks and projects so they are no longer visible in Beeye views?

Bulk Closing of Tasks and Projects

In Beeye, bulk closing tasks and projects to remove them from active views is a simple and efficient process. Here are the steps to perform this operation:
  1. Access the Tasks Page: Start by navigating to the Tasks page in Beeye. Here, you'll have an overview of all the tasks assigned to your team members.
  2. Use Filters: Utilize the available filters to precisely identify the tasks you wish to close. You can filter by due date, project, status, or any other relevant criterion to your need.
  3. Select Tasks: Once you have identified the targeted tasks, check the box next to each task you wish to close. You can select tasks individually or use the global selection to choose all filtered tasks at once.
  4. Bulk Edit: With the tasks selected, click on the Edit button located in the quick action bar. A sidebar will open, allowing you to modify several attributes of the tasks simultaneously.
  5. Change the Status: In the editing panel, opt to change the status of the selected tasks to Completed. This will indicate that these tasks are finished and will remove them from the active views.
  6. Confirm: After adjusting the status, confirm your changes. The selected tasks will now be considered completed and will no longer be visible in the default views.